The sun, high in the sky, chill waters rushing around me. The sounds of my pod echoing in the water. We had set off earlier today, searching for food to eat. It was a favourable day for hunting; the waters were crystal clear, the sun not too hot, and everyone swimming together peacefully.
My sister was to my left with her newborn calf, and my brother on my right. My mother, her siblings, and my grandmother just up ahead, while my younger cousins were in the back. My great-grandmother led us, for she knew of the best hunting grounds and had the most experience. My young cousins were going to learn the art of hunting today. We had travelled for a few kilometres until we reached our destination. A large school of fish just up ahead, near a cove.
The hunting session went smoothly and after resting for some time in the safety of these waters, we started swimming again. We were on our long journey to go further north where we could find the seals and penguins which we so love to eat. My pod and I were jovial, full, and enjoying our swim. We swam peacefully, until my great-grandmother sensed a strange object ahead. We echolocated to sense it as well. It was something big and round. We approached attentively and alert to sense any danger. However, my pod would soon realize that this was something immensely dangerous.
As the foreign body came into view, it was heading straight towards us. My great-grandmother was panicked and started leading us away at full speed. I heard noises coming from this strange thing and saw strange creatures that stood on two legs. My pod was alarmed and wary, but I was curious. I wanted to observe these things I had never seen before. I fell out of formation and heard my brother yelling at me to get back. My cousins all shouting that they were scared. I did not realize then that this slip up of mine would cost me everything.
Suddenly, there was a loud sound booming through the waters, hurting our ears. Then I felt it, a sharp pain in my side. I tried swimming away quickly, but felt restrained as if something was holding me back. I fought and fought, but I was being pulled instead.
Slowly, the water around me turned bright red. Stained with my blood. I saw my pod in the distance, my siblings calling out to me, but the elders kept them back, the calves being surrounded in the center. I called back, telling them to go where it was safe, that I would be okay. They swam further out but did not dare leave yet. What I did not know was that it would be the last I saw of them. As there was even more pain, and suddenly, everything was black.